Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Apple Pies and a Pine Wood Derby

Okay, this doesn't have anything to do with the title. I just thought her hair looked cute.

Sunday we went to a BBQ and decided to make homemade pies. I have been told I make a mess when I cook. Hey, it breeds creativity!

The girls helped start to finish. I love it when they help.

The apple pie going into the oven. We also made a pecan pie. They both looked delicious although with the rush of getting out the door they could have had a few more minutes in the oven. Still, I think both recipes were keepers! Too bad we didn't get a shot of the finished product!

This doesn't have anything to do with the title either. I just think it's funny that she fell asleep this way.

The girls attend Activity Days in two wards. Both have amazing activities. Tonight was the Powder Puff Pine Wood Derby. This is the girls sanding and sanding and sanding some more. It made me glad I have only girls. I could not handle this kind of pressure every year!

Eliora won her first race and an award for Best Overall Paint Job.

Audrey was eliminated right away but won sleekest design. It did look pretty sleek.

After all the races we discovered that Audrey had the fastest car if you ran it backwards. We were pretty proud of the girls. We made them design, help with sawing, sandpaper, and paint all by themselves. Dad did put on the wheels which are a huge pain!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Grandpa Honey Bear would have been so proud, he loved pinewood derby's.
you all look so cute, and look like you are having fun