Thursday, April 19, 2012

Crazy, Crazy, Crazy

Crazy. Yep, that about describes the last couple months. We have had visitors, holidays, trips, baby blessings (not ours), sad farewells, family, tears, accidents, and drought problems....
Come on, that last one threw you for a little huh? But it's true. Midland, Texas officially has no water. We are learning to conserve and not care if our grass dies.
In better news, the last few months we:
~ Drove to Houston for the Horst baby blessing
~Got to see good friends we miss in our old home of Katy, Texas (thanks for the ice cream Craners!)
~Left Aunt Anna in charge of the kids where she earned best Aunt award for the zillionth time in a row
~Had to say goodbye to Peter, Tiffany, Brandon, Ian, and Nathan Horst when they came to Midland for one last time before moving to Africa. I already miss the Horsts!! Ben already misses Tiffany's cooking! Sniff.
~Had a HUGE surprise when our amazing friends drove in from Utah. The Beebe family and ours go way back. Ben and Audrey (yes, I named my kid after her) had planned the whole thing so I didn't know about it!
~Once the Beebes were here we kept the tradition of having major accidents with head wounds, stitches, and cheek gouges. Hey, with 10 kids together times will never be boring!
~Went to the rodeo in Lubbock with the Tew family - thanks for the clothes Anna!!
~Watched General Conference and and had our friends from Midland, Andrew and Debi, help introduce the Beebes to Texas Brisket!
~Drove out to Enchanted Rock for some camping fun
~Hit the lakes and natural slides at Ink's Lake State Park
~Kept up the tradition of also having major catastrophes with the Beebe family when their transmission died
~Spent a lot of time in a park keeping 10 kids occupied while the transmission was being replaced
~Had to say a goodbye to the Beebes. More sniffs.
~Drove out to meet up with family where Aunt Tiffany stole away best Aunt award when she found treehouses on the river to stay in!
~Spent a day tubing, enjoying the sun, and grilling steaks in the backyard. Playing games, dying eggs, and naming the cattle behind us T-bone and Rib-Eye was a blast!!
~Almost all the cousins together for Easter. My kids seriously miss living closer to relatives.
~Had to say goodbye to the Ivanovsky family (thanks for planning that guys!!), Aunt Katie, and Sierra
~Sniff, sniff, sniff
~Home again, home again to catch up on piano lessons, school, laundry, church callings, and work!

Thanks to everyone we got to see and play with these last two months. I realized how many amazing friends and family we have. We really appreciate the time, babysitting, fun, and especially conversations we get to have with all of you! You all are awesome!!!
 For a lot of pics see video at right!

p.s. Ben has read this entry and is mad that I didn't give him credit for the brisket. He made it. It was AMAZING. I'm not just giving lip service here - it really was the best brisket I have ever tasted and made even yummier brisket sandwiches the next day! No, we don't have leftovers so you Utahns can keep dreaming. ;)

1 comment:

Ryan said...

Some amazing pictures. You have such a beautiful family. If you are that busy at this time of year... what do you have planned for summer?