Friday, October 10, 2008

Halloween Cinquain (A Japanese 5 line Poem)

Yesterday my kids did a Cinquain for their Halloween project. With these projects I try really hard to sit back, give instructions or ask questions, but make them do it. The Witches Brew was a good example of that and they came up with stuff I never would have. Turns out that trying to teach little kids that it has to be a noun and can only have two syllables or it has to be a descriptive phrase but can only be eight syllables is a little harder than saying, 'so what is the magical brew going to do?' In the end it is all their own work except for the first line which I ended up suggesting. The really sad thing is that when I was trying to explain what a cinquain was they said, 'We know mom, like Sakka does in Avatar with those girls. You know, where he adds too many and they kick him out.' Hmmmm......glad they get culture from somewhere.

tiny, furry
gliding, eating, swinging
wings fly like leaves up on the wind
brown bat


Corrine said...

very cleaver poem and i think i spelled that c word wrong sorry.

Audrey said...

You're amazing! I could never be solely responsible for my kids' education. It takes a lot of discipline and hard work. What lucky girls, you have.

Anna said...

Oh man, wow. THat's a good poem, you should put that on the October part of the calendar you always make.