Monday, August 10, 2009

The Walmart next to our house is a SuperCenter which means you can buy your produce right next to your oil. Usually I hate shopping there. It's just too big and if you try and ask an employee a question you end up with blank stares. Occasionally I venture forth into the land of bargain deals and cashiers with teeth missing and glasses taped together, (that was yesterday), for the pure reason that I am in a rush, out of something, and can go looking like this:

I was in for a shock however when I saw a sign stating that Walmart was undergoing renovations and my new Walmart would be opening soon. (They were still open but I guess the new improved one was going to make a debut?) Once I got home I starting asking around. Turns out Walmarts are trying to undergo transformations. No longer will they be seen as the redneck store of the world. No longer will they have the reputation of customers who wear too short cut off jeans and wife beaters with their beer bellies hanging out. Gone will be the piles of Coke and Gatorade in the middle of the aisles. Say farewell to dim ceilings and dirty floors. Even the colors are changing. The new stores shall proudly boast 'comforting' hues of green instead of grays, red, and blues. Aisles are being widened. Produce will be fresh. You might even be able to locate what you were looking for.

In taking all this in I must say I have mixed feelings. Walmart is the store I love to hate. The too big, too much, putting the poor little mom and pop stores out of business monster. I say to myself that I only go when I have to go and that I don't really enjoy it (and I feel pretty honest with myself). But what if it turns out to be convenient and clean? What if the items are clearly labeled and at a lower price? Will I have to take out my curlers? I believe my only hope lies in the employees. So go ahead cashiers! Forget the new training! Ask me if I have ever had a wart on my elbow! Tell me about your granpaps bunion! Be proud that not only do you not know were the floss is but you have also never heard of such an item! In you is our hope! Keep our ideals alive and let us continue to shop at your store only when we have to and allow us to walk out rolling our eyes and holding our heads high!


Jared A. Lopez said...

That was awesome! I agree, I hate Walmart. It's too big and the cashiers are sooo slow!It takes longer to check out than it does to do all my shopping! It's just not convenient at all! By the way I love your blog and Anna brought us some of your tomatoes the other week and they were delicious!

Becky said...

We just had an upscale Walmart built next to us. Stone walkway entrance, pretty colors, fancy displays. It is still too big, and you still can't find what you want so do not despair, no matter how they package it, Walmart is still Walmart. It is a step above Target, and Kmart.

Anna said...

Wal Mart is evil and always will be-don't give in!!!

Um I just had chocolate chip cookies I'd be willing to eat-I hate chocolate chip cookies! i'll get you the recipe.

And Jeff's eyes are super blue! Apparently you don't spend a lot of time staring deeply into them...

Corrine said...

they have built some fancy walmarts here...and i have to admit, i haven't shopped much at a walmart lately, though i don't mind hte store, i love putting the kids in the cart and getting everything i need...and i guess you could say i am a little red neck ish...:)

Keeping up with the Burtons said...

I knew I liked you for a reason! I do not have a problem with Wal-Marts for the 1st 3 months that they are open...just before the freaks catch wind that it's open. After that, it's a completely different experience. They have a few of the "spruced up" versions around here, and not to burst your bubble, but they have a way of becoming "spruced up" Wal Marts full of the same people with blank stares, sketchy produce, and wide aisles cramped with boxes.