Friday, February 5, 2010

A Blast From the Past


katharine said...

That is the age I remember her :) I had forgotten about that pinata. Hope she gets over it someday :)

Audrey said...

So sad!!

Anonymous said...

She is so expressive in her moods. When she is happy, she is very, very happy, and when she is sad, (so cute to watch).

Marci said...

That was one of the greatest birthday parties of all time. I'll donate money to her therapy fund, poor kid.

At least it wasn't Ben jumping up and down on the pinata.

Catherine said...

that is the most hilarious post I have seen . . . EVER!!!! Thanks for the good laugh. Very therapeutic. And, yes . . . "poor Audrey!"

Anna said...

What is wrong with people when they laugh at a three year old in tears?

....HAHAHAHAHAHA :) It makes me laugh every time.

Anonymous said...

anna you are so mean