Thursday, February 4, 2010

Customer Service

Yesterday it was raining.
This did not deter my mood.
We ran a little late for gymnastics.
This did not deter my mood.
I had made it whole day and kept my food down. I actually had a little energy. I felt great.
Because of this I decided to finally run a few errands I had been putting off since Christmas. My kiddos had gym that ended at four and I figured that would give us time to hit the little post office that no one ever uses.
I had the boxes packed up and taped.
I had my addresses ready to go.
I took my four kids in with me in the pouring rain and put them in the corner with books to read.
They behaved beautifully the whole time.
I grabbed my black marker and wrote the addresses on most of my boxes.
I tried to find a label for the one in the Huggies box.
No labels.
I grabbed a Priority label, wrote the address and blacked out all the priority writing.
I got in line behind one person.
The lady behind the counter (we will call her lady #1) told me I could NOT use a priority label, even if it was blacked out. I apologized and asked if there were plain labels. She said no. I asked if they had a sheet of paper and some tape I could use. She said no. I asked what the difference in sending it priority over regular would be. The difference is $25 dollars. Ummm, no. I was still in a good mood. I told her I would buy a box, and some tape, repackage it and get back in line. She looked at the clock and told me they close at 5:00. It was 4:40. There was no one behind me.
At his moment a woman came rushing in and asked if the mail had gone out for the day. She had an envelope in her hand, addressed, stamped, labeled, and whatever else. It was ready to go. Enter lady #2 from the back. #2 smiled and said they had not picked it up yet.
Lady #1 said the mail was picked up at 4:30.
#2 said the guy was running late.
#1 turned to her and said that the drop off time was at 4:30 and if the woman left her envelope she would not put it in the pile to go out. She then stormed into the back.
The woman looked at #2 and explained that she had just gotten off work and had gotten over there as fast as she could. The envelope had to go out that day. #2 said she didn't know what to do. #1 was her supervisor and probably would not put it in the pile to go out.
About then I decided I could mail my own package another day.
I didn't want to be there when #1 went postal.
Amazing how one person can put a damper on your day.


M and W said...

Welcome to the Goverment, the most helpful people on earth.

Audrey said...

Good grief! That's ridiculous!!