Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Olympic Conversations

My friend Marci blogged the other day about how every four years we all get to become expert judges as we watch the jumps, speed, and twirls that is the Winter Olympic Games. My family is no exception to this. We have been recording events, following our favorites, learning the lingo, cringing at the falls and cheering our country to numerous medals. Today we decided to watch the Olympic ice dancing while procrastinating our math work and snacking on chocolate chips. By now my kiddos are experts. Here is part of the conversation word for word (well, as far as I can remember);

: That was a very good twizzle
Audrey: It was, but they were a little off at the beginning. Mom, back it up so Eliora can see.
Mom: Look at the step sequence, very clean.
Eliora: I think the commentators like it because they aren't talking as much.
Audrey: This music is better than the last pair
Eliora: And the costumes match better plus she's more modest.
Sadie: (looking up from her castle toys) I think she looks like a pine cone.

Thank you Sadie for bringing us all back to reality.


Marci said...

our conversation during the ice dancing wasn't very wholesome. Kyle thinks that if they can twizzle and wear outfits... it ain't a sport. i'm glad that you are an expert too!!

mkt said...

so cute! that's the commentary I want to hear while I'm watching!

Audrey said...

Gotta love Sadie!!

Anna said...

I love Sadie.

And pinecones.

And Chunky.

Catherine said...

ohhhh, that drew out a BIG, FULL laugh from me, while I read this post. Hilarious!

Becky said...

did the pine cone win?