Monday, March 8, 2010


I just had to take off the baby counter. It was saying I had 2806 days left, which was making me very depressed.
The loooong week is over. We went to pick up Ben last night from the airport. He was suppose to get a ride with a buddy but we thought it would make a fun surprise to pick him up. I looked up his flight beforehand and saw that he was due to come in early. We left at around 5pm and I starting bemoaning the fact that I didn't look up directions beforehand. I knew to take the toll road to the airport but did I stay on the Sam Houston Toll Road or exit at the Hardy at some point? When in doubt, follow the taxi cabs. We got there without getting lost in about 30 minutes. Really good time. We found a place to park with no problem, found the terminal he was coming out of and looked at the little screen that said he was still going to be early. It was about 5:40.
We had about a 20 minute wait before arrival.
30 minutes later the screen changed to say they would be late.
20 minutes later it said he had arrived.
10 minutes later I realized that he was going through customs and it was taking a loooong time.
5 minutes later my kids were sprawled on the ground, enthusiasm gone, wanting to know what was taking so long and complaining that they were really hungry. There was a starbucks but I had left my wallet in the car.
This is about the time we decided to move and I got into a conversation with a lady who's children were also sprawled on the ground complaining they were hungry. They were cuter though because they had South African accents.
About 7pm he walked out.
Suddenly everything was okay.
Pictures of Turkey to follow.


Anna said...

Hooray Ben is home!

Becky said...

Hope it was a wonderful trip, so glad to have him home