Thursday, March 25, 2010

Abigail is my two year old. Her name means joy to the father. I'm pretty sure it would have to be since she is driving her mother crazy. I've never had a two year old like Abbey. My relatives shake their heads when I say this and remind me that Audrey was pretty clingy and Sadie falls on her head a lot. To this I smile. There is a difference between parental attachment issues, accident prone children, and ones who are pure mischievious. Abbey is the one who sneaks black pens in her shirt to draw on the leather couch when I'm not looking. She will pull a stool all the way from the kitchen to the master bathroom to get into my makeup. She will refuse to eat no matter what you do until Daddy walks in and then it is all smiles and open mouths. The problem is that she is so cute no one (who hasn't been around awhile) believes me. Last night though I got validation.
We went to an 8:30 pm party for a work friend of my husband. I was very leery about bringing the kids. It was an adult birthday party at his new townhouse. There would be alcohol, in glasses and in the cake. The hostess however knew that kids had been invited and had made a separate smaller cake for them. Ben said we had to bring the kids. We dressed them up cute. We threatened them all the way down. We told everyone it was way past their bedtime and we would not be staying long. Our kids were awesome though. They were polite, they entertained (in a good way). They never yelled, shouted, asked for toys, or whined. They ate their cake and sat on the couches answering questions and playing with each other. At about nine thirty a lady I had been talking to pointed to Abbey and said, 'she's your trouble maker huh?'
'How did you know? Is it the age?'
'No, I'm a pediatrician and after awhile you can spot them, even when they are behaving.'
Thank you unknown party guest. Finally, someone else sees it.


Audrey said...

That's so awesome! I would love to run my line-up past her and see if she could pick Rora out!!

Audrey said...

. . . and Sadie DOES fall on her head a lot.

Alison said...

My 3rd is just like that. He's got the cutest personality & everyone loves him, but it's when he's home that his mischieviousness comes out. In fact, when my mom had all the kids when I was in the hospital with our 4th, and she'd spent a lot of time with Ethan, she found a shirt with a racoon on it that said "Mischievious" & had to get it, because it was Ethan to a "T"! I think they have a certain twinkle in their eye & that's what the pediatrician saw :)

Geoffrey said...

Agh! I feel for you. I have one undercover too! -alb

Syden said...

Hey I'm the third child...

Becky said...

I just don't know what you are talking about. Abbey is an angel.
She is creative, and smart. She adores her family, especially her father. She takes naps without too much of a hassle. She makes the cutest faces in the world. She is so appreciative of presents, and makes all those around her excited and happy. She is not afraid of animals. She very much reminds me of a carbon copy of you!!!!!
Love Your Mother