Monday, April 12, 2010

Guess Who?

I have this amazing friend who happens to have a birthday a week before her husbands which means I always remember both of their birthdays about a day or two after the event. Sigh. It has actually been a resolution in the past to get better about birthdays but I have so far been dismal about it. Because I talk about her all the time though and most who read this blog know her I want to see if you can guess who she is.... on her hubby's birthday maybe I'll post a pic!

Clue #1
She is an amazing seamstress, I'm pretty sure she learned it from her mom.

Clue #2
One of her favorite movies is Dumbo

Clue #3
She loves her washer and dryer

I doubt her house has ever been as messy as mine (she might protest but I still doubt it)

She likes to camp and can even put with Ben's sarcasm while camping!

She is younger than me but much more mature and always says the right things.

She is adventurous and spontaneous (I'm not sure how you can be spontaneous and organized at the same time but she somehow manages it)

She has a budding talent in photography...well, at this point it might be a blooming talent?

She has decided to catch up to me in number of children despite the fact that she started later.

Her favorite thing in the whole world to do is spend time with her family.


Becky said...

how can this possibly be anyone besides Audrey BeBee. She is the only perfect person I know. And yes you described her perfectly.

Vivian said...

I was just scan reading and skipped right to the clues and thought, "that's totally Audrey" before I got to the 4th clue! Then I went back and read about the birthdays and that was it. I love her as much as you do, but you are cooler because you blogged about her...