Saturday, May 8, 2010

Mother's Day

I read an article the other day about a woman who had a wish list. She dreamed of one day going on safari to Africa. She had ambitions to one day write a novel. She wanted to try skydiving. She also wrote that she would give up every single ambition and dream in order to have a magical fairy who simply cleaned her house at night. I'm pretty sure she was a mom.

I think there are different ways to paint my portrait of motherhood. The one is a house with dishes in the sink, coloring on the walls, and unfinished projects in the rooms. Laundry is piling and shoes for tomorrow's church session will most likely be missing. Single friends are going to see the movie you wanted to see today but won't. Other friends are getting expensive gifts or day's out at the spa. There is a little voice in your head that is constantly comparing and berating yourself for your looks, your lack of skills, your mental capacity that seems to diminish with each diaper change.

The other portrait is the one I have been thinking about all morning. It is the husband who got up with the kid in the middle of the night so you could sleep. The daughter who ran to you for comfort when she skinned her knee. The girls who keep coming in 'secretly' and telling me not to look because they are building my Mother's Day gift with their Dad in the backyard. It is afternoon walks instead of matinees and a three year old wondering if she can paint your toes for church tomorrow. It is knowing without a doubt that you are loved despite all your inadequacies and knowing that they don't even see them.

This Mother's Day I wanted to think about what I would be like if I had not been a mom. I learn so much from my kids. Compassion, selflessness, honesty, beauty, patience. These are not things I think I have conquered. They are the traits I see my daughters display everyday. I thank them for that. I also thank all the moms in my children lives, from the grandmothers to the aunts to the friends. Thank you for being an example and for letting my kids know that they are loved on all sides.

And if anyone sees a flying house fairy let me know. It is still number one on my wish list this year.


Anna said...

Aw, Tonia, this is so sweet.

Happy Mothers day!

Melissa said...

Tonia, this is why you are so awesome :) Happy Mother's Day

Becky said...

you are the best mom I know