Monday, February 14, 2011

A Conundrum

Question: If there is one romantic holiday, one husband's birthday, and one cute little girl's birthday all within days of each other, which one do you focus on to celebrate?
Answer: All of the above

Friday night Ben and I got a babysitter and went out on an actual date. We decided to try a new (for us) restaurant called New Orleans Seafood. Ben ordered the red beans and rice.
This place was awesome. A live band played sultry jazz complete with white suits, green guitar strings, and an old guy playing a washboard.
Saturday we had the family over to enjoy brisket, steaks, and warm weather. The best part was watching the dogs. We had our beagle, Sushi, Tiffany and Paul brought their huge labradoodle, Miller, and Anna and Jeff brought Chunky the chihuahua. We then gave the little kids lessons on big, medium, and small.
The birthday kid looks a little bored.
But she loves her presents
Thanks everyone!

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