Friday, February 11, 2011

Book Club Thursdays and Ballet Fridays

Ahhh, the joys of cameras. Our first got dropped and never worked the same again. Our second disappeared mysteriously although our 4th child was really into throwing things away at the time. Now our third is acting up. Am I allowed to walk into a store with five children and promise that they never touched it and I treated it like gold? I might have to get a babysitter, put on a little lipstick, and check out the warranty for this one. In the meantime my cell phone is pulling double duty.
Thursday dawned with the knowledge that bookclub was at 2pm and I had just downloaded the book the night before (thank you Kindle!) I hadn't known the book beforehand and so put us on the list for the library. In the future I might just realize that if there are five copies of a book and they are all checked out then it might mean the book is worth buying. Before spending the rest of the morning reading though we had to do math worksheets and our hour of reading. This morning turned out to be more amusing when I started hearing screaming from the bedroom. When I came in I saw this.... While I was in my bathroom getting ready our second child Audrey had put her school work from that morning on my bed. She then started playing and became oblivious to the fact that our fifth child, Hannah, had gotten hungry and reached for the math work. She is crying here because Audrey tried taking it away. Lends new meaning to, 'the dog ate it'. I couldn't help it, instead of being sympathetic I mostly just laughed.
Before we left she was cute and docile again.
Into the car and a 45 minute drive to bookclub. On the way up Eliora got the ipod to practice her voice class songs. Audrey got it on the way back. The book this week was Toys Go Out by Emily Jenkins. Geared toward K-3 it was adorable on all levels. Lumphy, Sting-ray, and Plastic are the playthings of a little girl. Instead of being an indepth plot, the book focused more on little stories from their lives. While Plastic is trying to find out exactly what he is, Sting-ray discovers why she is dry clean only, and Lumphy the buffalo gets to meet the washing machine Frank who is not nearly as scary as they thought.
This week's host sent the kids on a hunt through the house to find 25 items related to the book. They then got to get up and say how their item fit into the story (like the green ribbon that Lumphy had tied to his tail). Beforehand we were told the kids could bring their favorite toy. They LOVED getting to do show and tell. This is Sadie standing up to walk to the front and introduce the world to her stuffed beagle named Calla. Afterwards we had peanut butter cookies (peanut butter plays a part in the book) and my kids got some playtime while the moms planned out the upcoming camping trip.

Fridays are our catch up days. Most school we do is done Mon.-Thur. and Fridays are reserved for field trips, anything we need to catch up on, and mostly cleaning. Sadie and Abbey do have ballet class though.
She will be on time if I can get her attention away from Blues Clues.

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