Wednesday, February 9, 2011

A Day in the Park

We Texans have been watching the weather forecasts with growing trepidation. Snow? Ice? We handle rain pretty well but are ill supplied for cold hands and pink noses. Yesterday however dawned beautifully and with a threat of dropping temperatures later in the week and a handsome husband coming home early we spent the morning with a few math flashcards, a book report, and then headed out the door for some much needed vitamin D. Eliora with our new dog Sushi. One of the moms later informed us that dogs are not allowed on the playground. Looks like we are still learning the rules of dog ownership.
So we took Sushi to the nearby dog park and duck pond. She immediately jumped in and made the discovery that warm days do not equal warm water.

Our star of the show.


Kate Challis said...

Sheesh, I hope the other mom wasn't a jerk about it. I mean, obviously you would have picked up anything...I guess now I know for if we get a dog! Cute photos :)

Anna said...

ha I was just goig to say...

I hope that Mom wasn't annoying about it. I usually smile and say, "oh, silly me!" and then keep letting chunky go down the slide ;)