Thursday, February 10, 2011

Valentine's Party

One of the best things about homeschooling in Texas is the support. There are A LOT of homeschoolers out here which means you get to pick and choose a bit for how involved you want to get with other homeschool groups. Currently I belong to several on line groups that chat, swap recipes, share woes, and review curriculum. The best part though is when someone decides to throw a party!
The golden, glittery, Valentine boxes. Spray painted and decked out with glitter.
The decorations. I'm still trying to figure out how she got it up there. This is a seriously high ceiling.

Our host, the fabulous Audrey Gross. For some reason I am drawn to Audreys in my life. This is one cool chick who knows how to throw a party (with a newborn and four other children)

Boxes awaiting cards. I loved the mailboxes, the robot box, and the one made out of legos.

My own Audrey. Grinning in anticipation of sugar cookie decorating, card making, and HEART bingo.

Cindy Scott posing. I really, really, really want to be her when I grow up.

Ahhhh, adult conversation. How I relish it! (And doesn't Tia look great in her hat and scarf?)

The food.

My cute Sadie.
Passing out their cards. There were 48 boxes total times four kids who wanted each card to have a Hershey's kiss glued to it. They had fun despite Abigail's meltdown halfway through and all but one fell asleep on the way home.


M and W said...

Awwww so Cute!

Ani said...

That looks so fun! I'm jealous. Not much support out here. I want to start a group.