Friday, February 25, 2011

Field Trip Friday - The Firestation

Fridays are catch up and field trip days. I was excited that today we were heading over to the Firestation to get some serious fire safety lessons. We had to skip ballet but I thought it was worth it!
Eliora asking why we have to get up so early for breakfast. Funny thing was that it's the same time we get up every morning. I just don't usually rush them through it!

They watched a fire safety video and then filled the 'house' with smoke. You couldn't see your hand in front of your face! Then they had to check the door with the backs of their hands. It was hot so out the window they climbed. Audrey was an expert (as you can see). Sadie got scared and had to be rescued by a firefighter.

Showing off the gear. As long as you can get a big enough group most firestations (plus a whole lot of other places) love to do presentations for homeschoolers. The best part is that it's free!

Pretending to be Darth Vader. Eliora commented on the way home that she was glad we had seen Star Wars so that she knew the reference. I'm not sure if she knows that there are other Star Wars beside the 80's videos but that is okay by me!

Me trying to console a crying Abbey. You have to be four to get your lungs fill of smoke and get rescued by a firefighter. Poor girl is only three. At least Hannah didn't mind!

Afterwards we met up with Ben for lunch at Clay's burger joint. They have ponies, lamas, chickens, and the like to pet and feed so your kids don't get bored waiting for the food.

A tuckered out Abbey. Little does she know that after we pick up Eliora from voice class there is a chance of going to the rodeo tonight. Hmmm, we will have to see if she is up for it before we decide to go!


Col Sanders said...

Did you take Ben with you to the fire dept., he needs all the fire prevention training he can get, make sure to keep him away from wall plugs....

Teresa said...

What kind of smoke did they fill the "house" up with, I'm thinking it must have been dry ice or something like that.

Becky said...

did they use a mole fogger, dry ice, or an igeba fogger. Haha, bet you don't remember the difference.