Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Family Home Evening

Monday was a pretty typical school day. Worksheets and basics and I even managed to clean my kitchen floor (scrubbing on my knees no less). Right before Ben got home I told the girls they were in charge of family home evening and sent them upstairs to figure it out. Unfortunetly my camera is saying I have no internet access right now (it keeps having that problem) which means I can't download the pics I took with it and our other camera is still out of commission but trust me when I say they came up with something awesome.

We started the night by donning our newly made paper firemen's hats. Eliora explained that the firemen from Friday told them to go home and come up with an evacuation plan and meeting point in case of a fire. For a song we did 'Do As I'm Doing' with the stop, drop, cover face, and roll (it's changed since I was little).  They then gave us fire facts and tips and I made a mental note that we needed new batteries in the smoke alarms. We learned how to see if a door is hot (back of hand, not front) and looked at exit routes. We learned that if you are on the upper story and can't get out then you should open a window and throw something soft at the firemen below to let them know you are there. Then Audrey lowered the 'smoke' she had made from the upper balcony. It was about 100 sheets of paper stapled together with the top cut to look like swirls. She had cut out a 'window' and lowered it into our living room with yarn. We had to pull our shirts up over our noses and crawl through the smoke and out the window because smoke rises and one big breathe could knock you out. At the end Eliora asked us each a question (or three) that if answered correctly awarded us with a homemade sticker of an F surrounded in water and flames. This certified that we know knew our firemen safety precedures.

If this is how they do all family nights then I think they might be the ones in charge from now on!

1 comment:

Becky said...

I love Audreys paper cut outs, I feel bad that I left my racoons at your house, I hope she is taking care of them. Opps, one was by Eliora, so of course they are both super talented.