Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Where Did The Weekend Go

Do you ever have those weekends? The ones where you have a HUGE list of stuff you need to get done but then a lot of other crazy stuff pops up and by Monday you are looking at the hurricane that swept through? We just had one of those weekends. Friday my adorable husband was off work....but still had to go to a conference downtown. Since he usually dresses in business casual I had to snap a pic in a suit...
especially with the glasses.  I think he looks pretty cute in glasses. Then came sleepovers, birthday parties, a wedding, out of town friends, and babysitting. It was crazy enough that Monday we took off school to put ourselves back together (hey, it was Presiden't Day!) By this morning we awoke refreshed and ready to.... 
Do our sit ups, push ups, flexibility test etc. so we can get the Presidental Physical Fitness award. I think it's awesome that homeschoolers can get it.
Start reading The Trumpet of the Swan for book club Thursday. I love that she can read out loud to everyone while I do laundry.
Try desperately to occupy Hannah while doing Language Arts. My six month old has stopped taking naps. Why?
Let Sadie do her first ever, all by herself, math worksheet. She usually gets help. I love that there are sites were I can put together and print off my own worksheets.
Fall asleep. All that math wore her out.
But now we are back and picking out our favorite pictures in books.

Math on the table, math on the floor, perched like a bird, oh, what a bore!
Audrey sort of disappeared today. She wanted her assignments and then went outside to do them. She would come in for help, a lesson, or a snack, and disappear again. I should have gotten a picture of her perched on the chair in the sunshine with Sushi at her feet. I personally agree with her that there is no better way to do school.


Dana said...

I need to redo our lessons a bit so my eldest can do more of them outside on her own. We started assigning her more independent work and she enjoys the freedom. I just forget to follow up and then the poor girl has a week's worth of things to do on Friday to wrap up the week!

A Musing Mother said...

You have GOT to fix it so I can reply when you leave a comment on my blog. That last comment required a reply! Because, seriously, you could totally make gingham work.

I'm too territorial. If I were a cat, I'd have peed in every corner of the house.

A Musing Mother said...

BTW, I saw "Uncle Cody" at Deseret Book at Christmas time. He is a presence that beckoned to be noticed. It was like he was made for TV. But he's real. Robyn was with him and they were making goo goo eyes all over each other. They were accompanied by two of Janelle's kids.

When are you, Tiff and Anna going to come and see me, anyway?