Wednesday, March 2, 2011


No, the title is not my favorite rock station or the coolest band since 98 degrees. It is the temperature Eliora hit yesterday afternoon. What with all the kids being sick constantly since Christmas and all the other stuff going on I wanted to dedicate this post to the one thing in my life I can hold onto, trust, and love. The one thing that gets me through the sleepless nights......

Dear Washing Machine,
     I wanted to write and say thank you for your loyal and dedicated service through the past few weeks. I know you must often feel unappreciated as your water slushes in a continual cycle for twelve hours straight. Never a friendly word as you wash and rewash those same sheets, those same towels, those same clothes often twice in one day. I wanted to explain and to let you know that life would be so very different without you (I know, I've done it before).
     You see, there is a baby in the house. This baby spits up a lot. Sometimes it borders on projectile. Even with the bib and the wipes she often gets her little pants and socks. More often she gets me and I hate to smell like baby spit up. This last week she also has a cold. This means a lot of snot which she gets on her pants, her socks, and mostly on me.
     Then there is the other four children. They got sick before (you remember) and now their little immune systems keep picking up every little bug that comes their way. This month it is the flu. We try to quarantine. We try to make sure they are not eating after each other or using another's toothbrushes but somehow they keep getting sick. Then we have to wash all the sheets, and the pillow cases, and the blankets used and once they are all clean someone pukes again and the routine all starts over again.
     So you are wondering about my hubby and I. Well, besides the spit up snotty spots upon our attire we both decided to stick to that New Year's resolution and start working out. So we have been every night for a little over a week now. We do it once the kids are in bed, or at least in their rooms. Problem is that we live in Texas, which means humidity, which means you sweat. A lot.
     So there you have it. It is not that I don't love you. It is not that I don't appreciate everything you do for us. It is simply that with the business of the day I sometimes fail to express how much I rely upon you. How much I need you. How if there were ever a fire I just might get stuck trying to drag you from the house. Thank you dear washer. Life would be so much harder without you.



Melissa said...

So true! That is a really high fever! I hope y'all are okay...

Marci said...

I got puked on the other day and stripped down in front of the washing machine and thought of you. the joys of a fabulous washing machine!!

Teresa said...

I remember getting my hand caught in a wringer washer when I was little, hurt like !!!!!! all get out. We have it so lucky these days.

Becky said...

I love your washing machine too, it is really nice. Thanks Ben for providing for my daughter so well.