Sunday, March 6, 2011

confessions of a suburban homeschooling mormon mom

Thursday my house was a disaster. We have had so much laundry lately and keep dumping piles of stuff upstairs and out of sight. Ben called and said he decided to take a half day off to come home, help with the kids, and do a little yard work while I cleaned up. While he was out mulching I was going to clean but he needed a little help and Hannah got hungry and then....I don't remember what happened but I know cleaning didn't end up being on the agenda.

Friday Ben had off as well but there was a buddy that called who had bought  a cool mustang he wanted to look at plus he had to get ready for a field trip he was leaving to go on (I think only geologists still get field trips after graduating school) and I had to get ready for a baby shower I was co-hosting on Saturday and I really  was  going to clean up for the babysitter on Saturday but I figured I could always wake up early and do it so it didn't happen.

Saturday dawned early and I was totally going to be in cleaning mode until the cousins called to say I should just bring the kiddos to the baby shower and so I  cancelled the babysitter and if she wasn't coming then I could totally do it later....right?
Saturday I was going to come home early and clean but we stayed a little longer and once I got home I was kinda tired and so didn't.

And so here it is Sunday at 6:06 pm and the house is still a total disaster.
 Now, as a suburbanite I  should have a pristine yard with a white picket fence and an alphabatized pantry. As a homeschooler I should  have color coded organized files for every piece of paperwork and art project out there. As a mormon mom I really should  have the floors swept, children bathed, laundry done, and a crockpot meal ready for Sunday dinner.
However, we do have chocolate left over from the baby shower (I am not above bribery), frozen pizza, a moveable laptop that can play movies or music as background noise, and a hubby that does not come home until tomorrow, plus a few daughters who are very understanding.
Ladies, we are pulling an all nighter. Pictures of pristine pantries and organized schoolwork will be posted in the morning.....if the baby doesn't get hungry ;)


Anna said...

oOooh your comment bar says I can leave advice!

haahha good luck :) You should see our apartment

Kate Challis said...

Hahaha, I guess I don't qualify as a Mormon mommy then, since my pantry is organized by toddler mischief level: cans on the bottom (or scattered throughout the house), potentially messy stuff on the top. Child bathed? Floors swept? Laundry done - hahahahahaha. To my credit we had an awesome dinner and to Danny's the dishes are done.

I think you're still a good mommy, fwiw.

Amy DM said...

I laughed at your comment on my blog (no email addy to reply to...) about how tired you were in church.--No wonder after the weekend you had.

BTW, I frequently fell asleep in church when my kids were tiny. I could not wait for prayer at the end of the sermon because I could legitimately put my head down and close my eyes.

Ani said...

Clean houses are over-rated. Kids grow up so fast and then you'll have tons of time for cleaning! As long as the Health Dept and Child Svcs aren't involved, you're kids will remember how awesome you were, not how good of a house keeper you were. At least, this is what I tell myself on weeks like that!