Monday, November 17, 2008

Just when you think there is no hope...

Last Friday (or was it Thursday?) we took Abbey into the doctor and after an X-ray discovered that the kid has pneumonia in her left lung. Fun stuff. Then Saturday night Audrey and Sadie started throwing up (Abbey still having pneumonia which means she pretty much does not sleep at night). Sunday morning we dropped Ben off at the airport for an 8 day excursion to Mexico with his Dad (geology stuff) and Audrey puked on the way home....twice. Eliora got sick Sunday afternoon and then Abbey started throwing up, usually on me. Sunday night I had them all on my floor each with their own bowl that they could hurl into which was usually about every two hours. My day has been spent between laundry, bleach, reading stories, calming, bathing, and trying to look at the bright side (at least I'm not sick).
This was the mood that I was in when I heard someone yell 'scram!' and an arm take a swipe at something. Our new kitten came running into the kitchen were I was preparing our yummy dinner of rice, bananas, and apple sauce. I walked in and saw Audrey. She got a 15 minute (300 minute in kid time) talking to about animal cruelty and responsibility. I then went back to making dinner. I told Audrey to come in and help me. About 5 minutes later a very mournful looking Eliora came in and explained that it was her that had yelled scram and tried to hit the cat. I looked at Audrey and asked why she didn't tell me that it wasn't her. Her answer....'because I didn't want Eliora to get into trouble too.'
Ahhhh.....I love my kids.


Melissa said...

I am so sorry you guys were so sick!! I hope you survive...that is really rough.

Audrey said...

Wow!! That sounds disgusting--it's pretty sick that I want to be there to help, isn't it?

What a sweet thing for Audrey to want to keep Eliora out of trouble, and how great of Eliora to come to you with the truth for Audrey's sake!

katharine said...

sick kids are the worst! you are so good to look at the bright side. i dont' know if i'd be able to find it in all that vomit

Callie said...

Of course it all happens as Ben is leaving...

I hope that you guys are feeling much, much better. (Can't get much worse, right?)

Syden said...

you remember when I kicked that paint bucket and soaked mom in paint and when she yelled at us you told her you did it so I wouldn't get in trouble. Good times oh and by the way I still owe you a time out sorry about that

Corrine said...

oh my goodness what a nightmare! sending well wishes your way...that was sweet of Audrey looking out for her sister.

Anna said...

Wow-I would've just said "ITS NOT MY FAULT!!" Pointed at my sister and ran away.

Apparently your kids have a little Jiminy Cricket that hangs out with them. Aww...

You forgot to mention that while dropping Ben off at the airport Abby puked on him so he made you trade him pukey shirts so he had a clean one.