Tuesday, January 20, 2009

The first time Ben and I played we were in Europe. The Austrians told us it was a German strategy game unlike our American games. We wasted them. Later we were disinvited to their home. I finally got it as a Christmas present for Ben. Tonight I won by a close call. And Terry - I need a rematch.


Anna said...

I'll give you one wheat for two woods.

Melissa said...

Love this game...we've lost to our friends the Prices over a 100 times ;)

Audrey said...

I got next!!

Corrine said...

i played the night before i had bethany with the prices, never tried playing again, because i was so uncomfortable, and my mind was somewhere else, i decided that i shouldn't write the game off but just wasn't crazy about it, but everyone loves it. like my run on sentence comment?

Teresa said...

Tonia, it's really just what rolls at the time you play. We played with Anna and Jeff and it was a whole different ball game. Anna and Craig were winning. Anna is dying to play another game sometime soon. She's the one to challenge!