Monday, April 20, 2009


Sometimes being a brother is even better than being a superhero. ~Marc Brown

For those of you who don't have kids Marc Brown is a children's author. I came across this quote the other day by him and realized that in that same day I called up my little brother Dustin to talk endlessly on while on the way to the post office while he was at work trying to pay attention to what he was doing. Usually when I do this I am on a bluetooth he gave me for Christmas specifically so that when I call him I won't kill myself in traffic. Amazingly he still answers the phone every time and still says all the right things (such as, "stop dissing on yourself, you're awesome"). At the post office I picked up a package from my older brother who sent me an edited movie because he saw it, thought I would like it, and knew I didn't watch R rated movies. He actually then ordered me the movie edited and sent it to me. How cool is that? And the best part is that this is totally the norm. They are always like this. They were always like this growing up. Who needs a superhero when you have that?


Audrey said...

Brothers are the best!

Anna said...

Aw ... how come my brothers just cut mowhawks in my hair and make me pay for free things?

*Tiffany says "HI! Tell her I am commenting too!"

Becky said...

have to admit, your Brothers think you are pretty awesome too. The reason neither of them have married yet is because they judge every other girl in the world after you, and the other reason is Anna married someone else.