Monday, May 18, 2009

Parked Cars

Growing up in Utah we had a place called Squaw Peak that was the established pot smoking and make out spot. I personally had never been there 'after hours' and I guess some subconscious part of me was feeling a tremendous void from missing out on such a mature and life changing experience. Last night I decided to remedy that (well, take out the drug part and add a husband). Ben had been gone for about seven days on a work field trip (I think I need some of those) and I had left my kiddos with my sister and brother-in-law to pick up Ben by myself (and no, I was not having those thoughts right then so get your mind back on the story). I was thinking of taking him out to see the new Star Trek (which I hear is awesome) but Ben was pretty tired and had work the next day. We figured we did have a bit of time however and were discussing getting a drink somewhere when Ben pulled into a deserted parking area. (Funny how he was tired a second ago). We had only been there about 3 minutes and were starting to get into some serious conversation (the economy, our parental responsibilities etc.) when a giant spotlight came swooping into the car. If we would have been in a field I would have thought we were the victims of an alien invasion. Ben cast a hand over his eye and said, "cops". (Had he done this before?) The nice police officer waited a good 5 minutes or so before approaching the car (which he didn't need to do, we were fully dressed) and then shined the flashlight into our faces. He then asked us what we were doing (it probably does not help that he was closer to Ben who looks like he is 12 years old....well, maybe 15 tops). Ben asked if he wanted the truth (pretty gutsy) and the policeman answered in the affirmative. Ben proceeded to tell him that he had been on a business trip and was here with his wife talking before we went to pick up our four children. The police officer asked to see Ben's driver's license. He glanced at it awhile and commented that we were from Katy. Ben answered that we were from Katy but that his family lived in The Woodlands. He then shined the flashlight in my face and asked to see my driver's license. (Could I pass for a minor, cause that would really make my day :) He asked Ben where his parents lived and Ben replied 'Panther Creek'. He then shined the flashlight into the back seat and beheld the interior of the eight seater mini-van complete with three car seats and crushed crackers. I guess that did it for him because he got a lot friendlier. He apologized and explained that a lot of teenagers park in that area to 'do things they shouldn't be doing' and sell drugs. He asked if we could 'move along'. Besides being totally embarrassed I did learn a valuable lesson.
If your kids don't interrupt then someone else will.


Syden said...


Audrey said...

That's so great! Enos and I did the same thing once . . . it was before we had kids, but we went hiking until about 2 in the morning, and then on the way home, we got really tired and decided to pull over and take a nap (you know, like we're all taught.)

About an hour later, a cop was tapping on the window. She asked us if we'd been drinking because apparently the combination of our morning breath made the car smell like alcohol?!

Anyway, she asked Enos to blow into her face, and he told her, "Okay, but I've been sleeping. It's not going to smell good." He blew into her face, and we were allowed to leave!

Not that I really blame the cop. We were sitting in a car at three in the morning on the side of the road with the windows all steamed up!

Keeping up with the Burtons said...

Ahaha! That story totally made my morning. I hope you 2 learned your lesson ;)

Tiffany said...

Finally, the story! I put a link on my blog. That's funny, ask Paul sometime we have a funny story but I am too embarressed to tell it still!

Callie said...

Soooo funny! I can only imagine the look on the cops face when he saw all of the carseats. Funny stuff.

Alison said...

That is so funny! I love that story, I'll have to share it with Doug. I'm glad you found us in cyberspace. I was wondering the other day how everyone from "the village" is doing. You're kids are so big! At first I didn't think that was Eliora, until I pictured her as a baby, then it clicked. And 4! Wow! We're expecting our 4th in November. There goes my sanity :)

katharine said...

i'm glad your parents didn't have to come bail you babies out of jail :)

Becky said...

been there, done that! Don't ask, Don't tell