Friday, May 22, 2009

A Little Mushy - You Were Warned

Last night I went to bed later after staying up too late. The baby woke up right as I was laying down. Two hours later I was still awake with her and finally put her on the bed and said rather loudly, "I quit. I don't want to be a mom anymore!" Then I took a pillow and blanket and went to sleep on the couch. I didn't hear her for the rest of the night. Ben had calmed her down and put her back to bed then woke up early (as usual) to get up and go to work. Today he called and asked if I would like to go out to lunch. He thought I might need the break.

Today is not our anniversary, birthdays, or any other special holiday but I am listing reasons why I love being married to Ben.

1. He has never yelled at me. Not once. Actually he almost never gets mad at me. The only times I can really think of are when I'm mad at him first and start yelling at him. Then he takes the kids, gives me a break, and tries to talk to me about it later. I think the only exception might be when I let the kids eat outside of the kitchen.
2. He always comes home after work. He gets invited to play poker, hit the gym, etc. but he feels like he already spends too much time away from us so he comes home.
3. Once he gets home he immediately takes the kiddos. He never gets that in between break. Abbey secures herself to his leg the second he walks in. He then plays baseball with them outside, gives them math problems to do, reads to them, or takes them to the playground.
4. Ben plays. He is never the Dad that is sitting on the bench watching. He also attracts other kids. Next time you are out with us just watch...he is like the pied piper.
5. Contrary to popular belief he is usually the one who cleans the kitchen.
6. He is also the one who puts the kids to bed at night. He reads them scriptures and geology books. They go to sleep pretty fast.
7. He is a really good kisser (see what you get for reading down this far?)


M and W said...

Ben is a cool guy. (a bit weird but cool)

Audrey said...

It's good to be reminded every once in a while that Ben matches the effort he puts into sarcasm with effort toward his family. (Wait . . . his sarcasm comes effortlessly. That's not what I was trying to say--.)

katharine said...

what a nice tribute :)