Friday, May 22, 2009

We are headed out to see Star Trek tonight (thanks Anna!) and I was looking up reviews on fandango. This is one my favorite things to do, especially for movies with huge fan bases. These are some of the 'Oh no!' ones I came across. Say them out loud in an emotionally wrought voice (you have to use the nerdy emotional voice or it's not funny). Also, the red is my own thoughts at the time. And have no fear trekkie fans, I will write my own review tomorrow.

J.J. Abrams should never be allowed around Star Trek again.

First off let me make it clear that if this were just some random sci-fi movie, it would have been a stellar entry into the genera. Alas, it had to be a Star Trek movie. Abrams has absolutely no idea what Star Trek is about. It's not about womanizing, huge space battles or product placement. (It's not?) It's about the human spirit, and how humanity can rise above its destructive ways and make a difference in the world. Abrams made characatures of the characters we grew up with. Not a single character in that film behaves remotely appropriately. (I am always telling my girls to behave appropriately) They have the personalities of the legends they're based off of, but they don't have the heart, spirit or integrity (yep, I KNOW William Shatner has integrity) that all Trek fans have come to expect. Instead they have one liners and are thrown into a plot that even the tired time travel excuse does nothing to answer the loads of continuity problems. Abrams, I want you to know this if you're reading. STAR TREK IS NOT AN ACTION FRANCHISE! You've completely missed the point of the show.

This is NOT Star Trek
I could not stand this movie. Not a Trekkie...I just remember liking the original movies. Also, the Imax screen is simply TOO BIG to watch a movie on. I'll never see a movie on the IMAX Screen again. 18.50? Give me a Break. (You were unaware that IMAX was big when you went to see it?)

As for Star Trek: it's Star Trek on Star Wars Steroids using the documentary style camera shots used by Battle Star Galactica. (Remember, this person is not a trekkie!) These are not the characters I enjoyed from the first movies. One thing is for sure: "Give em the old Razzle Dazzle, Razzle Dazzle em, and they'll beg you for more." A quote from the movie "Chicago".
Whatever happened to storytelling and actors talking to each other. This was about explosions and screen flare, and it left me flat. No matter how many people say they liked this film, count me out, for any future installments of Star Trek, and ANY movies on the Imax screen. I couldn't decide whether I should watch Spock's ear or his eyebrow do the acting. (You should watch his eyebrow, it does much better acting - the ear is just a gag prop)
Star Trek has been ruined. It might be a good action flick, but it IS NOT Star Trek.

This is the worst Startrek Ever!!

Who is JJ Abrams to make a Star trek Movie he has no idea what he is doing, and the only way to make a blockbuster is blowing up Vulcan. THIS Is STUPID! It makes no sense in the ST universe. Romulans again how creative, oh a minor Romulan "stupid". Where is Daniels, or the time ship relativity?? The 22nd century is time Travelable from the 29th century and the 23rd is not?? He negated ALL previous Star treks making them a waste of time, he has no concept of the ST universe and was only in it to make money. (Only I know the true ST Universe!!! Whuahahaha) That is pathetic!

And Now For My Favorite 'Oh No!' Fandango Reviewer (there are a lot of these)

Star Trek
The movie, the seating, and the big screen were all great!


M and W said...

I loved this! Maynor and I laughed out loud a couple of times!

Melissa said...

I am awaiting your review. As a (don't tell anyone) huge trekkie I would actually have to agree on the premise that most people based these reviews on. Star Trek is not action and after the death of Gene Roddenberry it took a turn for the worse with Deep Space Nine. Everyone has said the movie is AMAZING but is it a Star Trek movie or just a really great movie? You'll have to let me know ;)

Syden said...

This guy might be funny but he is missing the point it is not supposed to be like all the other movies. This is a new take on old ideas to pull in younger crowds it is funny quick passed and great film to see. Of course it doesn't fit in with the rest of the star trek universe it is AN ALTERNATE REALITY if the critic had stayed to the end this was explained in detail the captain is a different man everything is different but that's the idea. If you did a prequel in the strictest sense no fan would ever be happy because they all have crazed expectations and know way more facts than any human should about a place and time that doesn't exist. So how do you overcome it you change everything give a perfectly logical explanation for why you did and make it a great movie. The reviewer was funny yes but just because James Kirk didn't meat all your man fantasies doesn't mean it was a bad movie. Appreciate it for what it is shut up and enjoy the show it was awesome.