Monday, May 25, 2009

Star Trek - I Liked It

Alright, I finally got to see the film and my first thoughts while walking out were, 'was that really two hours?" It's nice to see a film that keeps you wrapped up in it so you don't notice the time going by as opposed to other ones that have come out recently (I'm told Benjamin Button is one) where you feel as though you are watching the grass grow. I loved some of the characters and thought it was smart to make it an 'alternate reality'. If a guy isn't exactly how his older counterpart was...well, it's because he grew up differently in this new reality. Seriously, you could do a whole nature v. nurture on this one. I also loved that they went back to earlier days of the crew. Scotty was awesome, Bones was hysterical, I loved Spock and I had no idea that Leonard Nimoy would have as big a role as he did. There were also moments that made me smile and I am by no means a die hard trekkie so I am sure there were many that I missed. Now, after making fun of others reviews who seemed to take the films too seriously for a summer blockbuster I will say this. I felt like the movie plot was a 'beginner' film. Setting everything up nicely so that future movies could be made. It was interesting with all the backstories just not terribly intriguing. The movie had tons of laughs though and overall I think I will be buying it when it comes out. (I may even pay full price instead of waiting for a Craig 'special')

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