Thursday, June 4, 2009

Last night Eliora woke up saying she had a bad dream. Ben and I put her in our bed and told her to go back to sleep.
30 minutes later Audrey came down and said that she had woken up and got scared because Eliora wasn't in the room. (They are in bunk beds and Audrey is on top). We told her to go and climb in our bed too.
30 minutes later Sadie came down and said she couldn't sleep without her sisters and she wanted to know where they were.
We woke the other two up and put them all back to bed where they all fell right back to sleep after seeing that they were all there.
Heaven forbid if one of them ever goes to summer camp.


M and W said...

Lol, good luck with summer camp!

Audrey said...

That's really sweet!

Becky said...

Send all four to grandma's house, it will be just as fun and they can come together