Friday, April 15, 2011

Life Is An Exciting Business

I haven't posted as much this week but new and exciting things have been going on. The best was the arrival of our new nephew, Tristan Garn Tew. Ben's sister Anna conveniently waited eight days over her due date to have him on a day when everyone was together for dinner. We all thought it was very obliging of her. Poor girl had a HARD labor but look how beautiful he is!!

Jeff, our new daddy, is pretty happy about it too. 7pds. 9 oz of thumb sucking cuteness.

The girls also had their voice recital. I have been trying to load the video for about 4 days now but am having problems. Hopefully one of these days we will get the matter sorted out and you can all hear their melodious voices. Audrey was snazzy and smashing singing Cruella DeVil

Eliora made her own apron out of a pillowcase in order to look like the humble, meek, and beautiful Cinderella singing 'In My Own Little Corner'. Next stop - broadway!!

We also had pet show at our house this week (although the pictures are still on the camera). We had six contentestants; three dogs, one guinea pig, a bearded dragon, and a regular dragon. (We allow mythical creatures at our pet shows). Each family had to get up, tell us about their pet, and present anything interesting about them. Our beagle Sushi won the award for best tricks. She played dead, sat, shook paws, begged, and tried to roll over but got a little over excited.

School work all this past week has been laid back. Reading in the sunshine, math worksheets, and beginning cross-stitching. Finished works will be posted sometime in the next few weeks! 

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