Wednesday, April 6, 2011

A Trip to the Zoo

Yesterday we were at Hancock Fabrics bright and early shopping for red sequined material for Audrey and her outfit for voice class when I got a phone call,

me: Hello (fumbling as I try to balance the baby and the phone)
friend: Hey! It is so nice today. Want to ditch homeschool and go to the zoo?
me: Ummm, sounds like fun but let me call you back
friend: Okay, I'm leaving in a half hour.

I looked at my 5 children. It was 9:30am and we were dressed, ready, and were running errands so that I could do a FULL day of homeschool plus clean the house because basically the rest of the week is already gone to other obligations. But then I looked outside. It was a pretty day.

Entering the new Africa exhibit
A favorite of Audrey's has always been the red panda. They were pretty active today!

Can you see the face of the koolookamba?
waiting for lunch

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