Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Why I Smell Like Deviled Eggs

     A long time ago I took a psychology class that said happiness lies in balance. It is like the wheels on a car. If one is flat then the ride is not nearly as smooth. Since I tend to be a visual kind of person the image stuck. According to the professor the four wheels represented our spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical selves. We always have to be giving a little to each.
     The spiritual in most people's lives are filled by church, meditation, and self reflection. Check. I go to church, I self reflect (mostly to my husband while he is trying to go to sleep) and I meditate (mostly in the car while my children are talking to me).
     The mental is hopefully filled by our vocations and hobbies. Check. I learn something new from my kids every day. I also like to read.
     The emotional is filled by our relationships with others. Check. Amazing husband, great friends, awesome family.
     The physical is how we view our bodies. Notice I said view. This is increased by working out, eating right, wearing nice clothes, and basically taking care of ourselves. Cheeeeee.......wait. I do run after kids all day. I am not still in sweats when my husband comes home, I did take a multivitamin in order to offset the leftover angel food cake I had for breakfast. But you know lately I have been feeling a little less than pretty. Go ahead and laugh guys, this is a big deal for a girl. Especially when you hit that point after having a kid where you feel that the 'I have a newborn' excuse is no longer valid. I was starting to feel like that particular wheel needed a little more air.
     This would explain why one early morning my daughter, Audrey, walked in the bathroom with a slightly wrinkled nose. She wanted to know what smelled like eggs. I told her that it did not smell like eggs, it smelled like apple cider vinegar. I do put vinegar in my deviled eggs so I could understand the confusion. I told her mom needed to start feeling pretty again. Apparently apple cider vinegar is a natural toner. It must be true because I read it on an internet site once with some very official looking pictures. The same site had also told me that baking soda was an excellent facial scrub.
    Audrey watched me finish my scrub and start to apply my 'toner'. Those of you who have taken chemisty 101 may now have their laugh. Yes, baking soda and vinegar. Turns out that even if you wash off the baking soda it can still cause a reaction. Audrey looked at me like I was nuts and walked out.
     I might keep it up though. Afterall, I do remember that site looking pretty official and nothing says pretty like walking around all day smelling like deviled eggs.


Audrey said...

That's hilarious!

Did you know Kroger sells facial scrubs on the aisle by the body washes for about $1.50? Maybe you should spring for one of those. You'll feel pretty, I promise.

Anonymous said...

You could hide the mirror, it worked for a queen in England. With your natural beauty, I think a bacon smell would only augment your attractiveness!

Ani said...

You're supposed to fill up those tires? No wonder it's so hard to drive!

Teresa said...

My visual image of the chemical reaction was too funny. Something like Santa Claus' beard? You're a great writer, keep it up. Am going to try the vinegar toner when I get to China. I will leave the b.soda in the kitchen. Thanks for the warning.