Thursday, June 2, 2011

Railroad Tracks and Morals

Once a week our family does something called Family Home Evening. Typically this includes a song, prayer, scripture, lesson or activity, and dessert. Most everyone I know has something like this to help them decide who does what -

We don't have that. We decide on the spot. They also tend to have cute little crafty type items to assist with the lessons.

                                          We don't have one of those either.
After a tranquil evening of good morals given from parents other families retire to the kitchen where something like this has been prepared in advance,

                                        Sometimes I dream of desserts like this.

In our house we occasionally attempt the above. Most FHE nights however goes a little more like last week.
5:00pm - Mom remembers that we need to do family home evening. She wants to get an early start so the kids can go to bed at an early hour.

5:30pm - Mom gets out older daughter's Faith in God booklet and decides to review it with all her children. We all decide we need to be better about morning prayers.

5:35pm - Mom remembers having a prayer rock as a child and decides this would be a good activity. (She probably got it from a great family home evening she had while growing up)

5:40pm - Mom knows the next door neighbor has great decorative rocks around his tree in front. They are the perfect size and smooth. She tells the kids to run next door and pick a rock. She figures they can paint them while she fixes dinner.

5:45pm - Oldest daughter approaches mom and with trepedation tell her she cannot pick a rock because it would be stealing. Mom tries to explain that the neighbor is nice and we will replace the rocks tomorrow.

5:50pm - Oldest daughter comes into kitchen crying. She went up to pray about it and felt like it would not be right to take the rocks since neighbor is not home and we can't ask.

6:00pm - Dad comes home to children piling in car and no dinner

6:15pm - Mom and Dad learn that local nursery with decorative rocks is closed. No matter, Dad is a geologist and can find good rocks. We pull through Chik-Fil-A for dinner.

7:30pm - Dad decides that all rivers in our area consist of nothing but mud. All other adequate rocks are on other's property

8:00 pm - Dad discovers rocks along railroad tracks

8:30pm - Kids fall asleep on the way home

Oh yeah, we have good family home evenings.


Ryan said...

Wow, So you are telling me that Bens family spent FHE looking for rocks, and you tried to talk your kids into stealing? I guess it's no worse than our Mom giving us the choice of Church or the Beach.

Duffey said...

That's funny. We have one of those hanging name things, and the kids are usually anxious to know each time we have family council what their FHE job is. So we all have a job ahead, but then during FHE we usually have Will and Joe giggling or the baby being cute and distracting all of us. For instance the kids love using Little People to act scripture stories, but now that Charlie is old enough to stand up he likes to come over and join in the fun. FHE ends up being a wild time, but perhaps its the thought that counts! You girls must be learning the gospel well, since they didn't want to steal. What a cute story!

Melissa said...

A classic!

Teresa said...

You have MEMORABLE family home evenings :-D

Anna said...

Ryan makes me laugh... Ben made his girls look for rocks and you tried to talk them into stealing.. hahaha I cant stop laughing.

I will be there next week.. don't wanna miss it

stratovolcano said...

the picture at the end is hilarious. Ben actually has the four walking-capable kids standing on the tracks. Looking for rocks.