Thursday, June 30, 2011

Cracker Jacks and National Anthems

June 29, 2011
Astros v. Texas Rangers
Waiting for the game to begin
Trying to get organized on the field. This group has been practicing once a week for 5 weeks now. We took a video but because we were in the nosebleed section it was hard to get a good shot. They should be posting it on youtube someday soon and then I can link it.

Dad figured they deserved icees, cracker jacks, and peanut m&ms.

Family who came last minute to watch. Not because they are last minute people but because we forgot to tell anyone. Sorry guys. Grandma and Grandpa are here too but they got better seats.
Singing the National Anthem at major sporting events seriously wears you out on the drive home.


Col Sanders said...

The choir was great - I think we could actually hear Eliora as the "mike" was right in front of her and she can project. They were really cute. Good job girls

Love Grandpa

Marci said...

the picture of Abbey and the slushy is classic. I'm not sure what you did to that slushy, but I am sure she shouldn't be handling any heavy machinery for at least 24 hours.