Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Fashion Show

Last night we picked up a bridesmaid dress that was on hold for my sister-in-law. The girls loved the dresses in the store and first thing this morning asked if we could have a fashion show with the bag of clothes a sweet woman in our ward left us.
The closest thing I had was my camera so excuse the low quality pictures!

The bridesmaid dress. Because moms have to be in fashion shows too. (Thank you Anna for letting me try it on!)

This skirt works well as is....
Or for fun can be pulled up as a top.
Skirt as a shirt? She is totally marketing this one.

Wardrobe help. Audrey decided the bow would work better on the side instead of in the back.

Abbey has to show Eliora how to strike a pose

This angle works well too.

Leopard print jacket? Check. Pink collar? Check. What else do you need for a night on the town?

More wardrobe help for Eliora.

I might veto this one. She just looks too grown up!!

Not so happy with the Justin Beiber shirt.

Abbey will take it though.

Pretty in a turquoise ruffle skirt, casual blue shirt, and a nice pair of shiny flats.
Sadie is perfect for an afternoon in the park,

or an evening of kung fu moves.
My room really was clean before all this, honest!

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