Monday, July 18, 2011

Pride and Punks

My poor homeschooled children don't really get breaks in the summer. That is usually because we had a baby in the last year/moved/saved the world or whatever it was that set us a little back. This means that mornings (or afternoons depending on the schedule) are spend doing the basics....reading and math.
Last week when I sent my oldest, Eliora, to do her reading she made a comment that it was SO EASY. Don't ever say that in front of a homeschooling momma.
 I pulled down the full volume set of Jane Austen and we turned to Pride and Prejudice. Eliora is now reading it for a half hour every day and writing down every word she does not understand. Then she has to go and look up all those words in the dictionary and if she doesn't understand the definition she looks up those words.
Today her word list was;


Yesterday she asked me if Grandpa was coming into town tomorrow fortnight.

Today I also had her write up a summary of what is happening so far. Below is the assignment typed out without any changes from me (well, except me making her capitolize a few letters here and there for names) -

Pride and Prejudice is a book about a family of five daughters. Everything is disrupted when Mister Bingley arrives. The daughters get to meet him at the ball where he brings his friend Mister Darcy. There Mister Bingley dances with Jane twice when he didn't with anyone else and Mister Darcy says that Lizzy is only tolerable. The punk!
Seriously, The Punk!!


Audrey said...

She gets it! It's nice to know that even at 9-years-old, she gets it!!

mkt said...

I love it! They need to put that on the back cover of the book - it sums everything up very nicely :)

M and W said...

Lol, I love Eliora! That's an awesome summary!

Marci said...

i love your family..