Friday, September 9, 2011

My New Home

My knees hurt. I'm pretty sure it's a sign of old age....or maybe the three hours I spent cleaning and waxing our wood floors last night. This was after Abby locked herself in the upstairs bathroom and peeled the wallpaper off the walls in her boredom. It was before I opened my cupboards and discovered a HUGE moth infestation that is now all over my kitchen, dining room, and living room.I still have to caulk the master bathroom, remove a few items to the garage, touch up some paint, and take care of my kids. All of this in a market where not only is no one buying but no one is even looking. So this afternoon I made a cup of tea, put a movie on for the kids, and looked at the future.  
They say Midland skies are bigger. I'm starting to believe them.
They also say the sunsets are amazing. Maybe because you can see more of the sky?
Do you know what I think when I see this picture? Hard working people, baseball games, industry, picnics in the park, old fashioned gentlemen. All the things I love about Texas.
Downtown really can look bigger than this. When you are in the middle of it you can look up and see skyscrapers. Then you take a drive and remember where you are. They say five minutes will get you anywhere. They say the pace is slower. They say the people are some of the most friendly of anywhere on earth. Another month or two and I can find out for my own.


Audrey said...

Exciting that you are setting off on this new journey, but its hard to see a family as awesome as yours go!!

Audrey said...

Exciting that you are setting off on this new adventure, but its hard to lose a family as awesome as yours!!