Thursday, January 19, 2012

Reusable Grocery Bags.

I stole this. There, confessional over. I was browsing pinterest looking for the perfect way to make crunchy, not soggy, sweet potato fries and I came across this blog. It is called 'the art of doing stuff' and not only did she have a great way to make sweet potato fries (shake em in cornstarch, who knew?) she also had this little tidbit....which I TOTALLY agree with!

I firmly believe that the end of society is going to come about because of “green” reusable grocery bags.

I have thrown more of these things out into the garbage because they’re not recyclable than I can count.
I don’t need one with every purchase. I don’t need one from every event I go to. I don’t need them handed out at parades. Reusable shopping bags have become the Beer Logo tee shirt of the new millennium. What I do need, ironically are plastic bags (which are recyclable) which I can use to line my garbage can.


Audrey said...

Really?! I use these things for everything! We take them to the library to take books back and forth, grocery shopping, Wal-Mart, etc. I'm shocked that you don't like them!! I will agree that when I run out of plastic grocery sacks, I purposely leave the reusable bags in the car so I can get more plastic ones with which to line trash cans.

Teresa said...

The handle broke on our reusable bag and the groceries landed hard. We lost about $30 worth of food. Grabbed a small plastic garbage bag to put it in so it wouldn't drip all over the place. Ironic, huh? The reusable lost out and the plastic won.

Tonia said...

I love the heavy duty ones and use them all the time, it's the cheap ones that they seem to hand out EVERYWHERE! Those drive me crazy.

Teresa said...

Stronger, and also cuter. I have a large bag made by Columbia, it's the best. Use it everywhere for everything, even traveling. Talk about sturdy. The flimsy ones have got to go.