Saturday, January 14, 2012

Super Secret Spy Party - Warning, Lots of Pictures

Last November our oldest asked if she could have a party for her birthday. We said yes. Today we finally gave her and her little sister a combined super secret spy party.
Of course, the day before we HAD to get ourselves ready with mani/pedi's, experimental hairstyles, and a little blush. After all, even spys need to look good. 

The party guests arrived the next day and were handed their spy kits. These included black hats, magnifying glass, notepad, pen, fake money, and a mardi gras mask (for a quick disguise). They were then told they had arrived to attend spy training. Step 1 was learning to go through the lasers. This proved to be tricky.

Good thing my girls have taken gymnastics. There were two routes and they had to try both in order to pass.

Next was nerf gun training. Four tries to hit the target and then trying to hit flying balloons.

A couple of quick games of hide and seek and they all graduated with flying colors. Little did they know that their new found sleuthing skills would soon be put to the test!

We explained how the new house was once smaller with a dungeon (i.e. the cellar). A captive of the dungeon had escaped and was looking for his lost treasures. Our mysterious prisoner had discovered his assailant was a man by the named of Ali Barbi , who had left behind clues in the house.
Clue number 1 was a letter hidden behind a framed photo. Holding it to the light revealed that the paper looked strange in some places. A hair dryer showed a secret message that lead the crew to the cookie jar. Inside was a snack and a message written in French.

Since no one spoke French Ben showed the new sleuths how to translate messages on Babelfish. The clue was a quote from Alice in Wonderland.
"How doth the little crocodile
Improve his shining tail,
And pour the waters of the Nile
On every golden scale!"
One of the girls recognized the quote and we split in teams. Onegroup checking the bookshelf and the other searching for something in the house that resembled a crocodile. They soon found the croc head waiting to eat a bunny. The terrified stuffed pet had a letter in his paws. (Thank you Tyler for the croc head from Florida!)

The letter implored the girls to help save the bunny's eggs before the crocodile could eat them. Ten eggs hidden in all. Each egg had a piece of a map which, when taped together, lead the group to the alleyway behind the house. Here they discovered a GPS and two locations. We split the group and headed off to find our destinations. The coordinates both led to more coordinates which surprisingly lead the two groups back together and to the playground down the street.

Once the group was back together I found that I had to return home to change baby Hannah. Once I walked in I found that the cake and presents had disappeared! Only a lone walkie talkie was left on the table. Picking it up I heard Eliora's voice on the other end. They had found the other walkie talkie in a hole in a tree at the park. I explained to her what had happened and the group rushed home!

We had been DUPED! Ali Barbi was alive and well and had formulated the clues and the fake prisoner to get us out of the house and steal the cake and presents! It was not a very good get away though (having been surprised by my return) and trails of confetti revealed the various locations. Now we could finally celebrate!

Overall it was an awesome party. We had planned some simple games at the end but barely had time to hand out secret agent prizes and open presents. The girls had fun and the parents are exhausted.
Happy Birthday Eliora and Abby!


Anonymous said...

sounds like the cutest party ever. You are so creative, and your girls are so lucky to have such a wonderful mom.
Love you

Tiffany said...

What a great idea for a party! I am going to steal it!

katharine said...

you do the funnest parties!

Teresa said...

What fun! I love parties like that, so creative.

stratovolcano said...

Mary LOVED this party. You guys are so creative. Mary still talks about it and wants to make everyday play into a scavenger hunt or mini spy game.