Tuesday, January 24, 2012

The Tooth Fairy

Sometimes a tooth is lost and then, well, lost again. So a note is written and placed under a pillow explaining the circumstances with a hope that perhaps the tooth fairy can do something about it. The tiny response my daughter got this morning, wrapped in gossamer paper with a carefully rolled dollar bill, let us know what happens when teeth go AWOL.

My sweet friend, you can be sure that when you lose a tooth, I will always try to find it! There are times when those tiny teeth can get lost or disappear, but don't worry, I hold them precious and can look better than most!
You see, dear friend, when children are born they are full of natural magic. As they grow and are taught by some that magic isn't real the magic is slowly absorbed by their baby teeth. When a child begins to lose their baby teeth, myself and others come to collect them. It is only as you grow old enough to truly be wise that childhood magic returns. In the meantime we hold your little bit of magic safe and it helps to keep our world beautiful and lasting.
Dream lovely dreams......
Your Tooth Fairy