Wednesday, February 3, 2010


Wednesdays are gymnastic days. When you homeschool you always worry that your kids aren't getting enough exercise. After all, they don't have P.E. Then you remember that on warm days they spend half the day outside running around and on the trampoline. You remember that you go for morning nature walks and hit the playground when the math is just too much that day. Lately though we have been lazy. It has been rainy and cold and wet. Not things I like. In days like these I am glad we have gymnastics on Wednesday. Our gymnastics gym is awesome. There is a homeschool class at 2:50 pm. (Most YMCA's offer homeschool classes as well. Always call and check, you never know.) All three kids get to their class at that time with different levels and coaches. Our coaches are Melissa, Nicki, and Maddy. The gym is huge. The class is discounted because it is a homeschool class. They also discount for each kid. I get all three into something they love once a week at the same time and still get home before Ben does. The whole thing is $166 a month. I also noticed the first week that a lot of warm up is Pilates. I love Pilates, mostly because I can do it without giving someone else a bloody nose (not terribly coordinated). We practice with our warm ups the rest of the week and the kids show me how to do cartwheels, bridges, and forward rolls. We can even do it on rainy days. Maybe today I'll be a good mom and take my camera with me.


Audrey said...

Pictures! We want pictures!

Tonia said...

I wrote this with the intention of cute little pics of my kids in their gym clothes. Then I tried for about an hour to get my computer to take the pictures. I think all our drives? are too old for our new camera and our printer doesn't work which is what I use to use. Sigh. I need Ben to look at it.