Thursday, March 11, 2010

Happy Birthday Dustin!!

This morning my brother Dustin told me that he doesn't really like people knowing it's his birthday. He is getting older so it's really not a big holiday anymore. He even has a deal with a guy at work who 'knows' that if he doesn't tell then Dustin won't tell when it's this guy's birthday. Seriously, what is wrong with these people? In respect to his personal space and wishes I waited a whole half day before posting. Out of respect I will try to make it as subtle as possible.


That's not too bad is it? I mean, Dustin is a cool guy, probably one of the coolest I know so I wouldn't want to do anything that he wouldn't like. I know he likes his space. For instance, I know he wouldn't mind if I told people that when he was little he use to dress up in camouflage and walk around thinking he was actually invisible. Speeding car headed his problem, he had on the camo pants. Or that time when he was sent to his room and then cut out the screen with a pair of scissors to escape. Or that he was the worst dare devil that there ever was. Take a flying leap off a huge trailer in the backyard because he could simply catch on to the trees with the 1/2 inch rope? He could do it. He was the rollerblading, cut off your toe, get more stitches than all the other kids combined kind of kid. So I know he won't mind when I very discreetly say,

You know, Dustin was even cool in high school. My senior year and his junior year we ate together nearly every day. I'm pretty sure it was me and not my cute friends. We use to ditch and go hang out at the mall, at Denny's, at the movie theatre....anywhere mom might not catch us (although she usually did). Once we lost my keys on top of the sunglass rack at a major department store and had to hunt through the mall for them. Can't remember what the excuse for being late that time was. I might also be the only person on the planet who busts up whenever he says, "a little thick at the bottom, huh?" I still love Belgium waffles with strawberries and cream. One of my best times was when a group of girls were getting together the night before a dance to do the 'girl's preparation night' thing. I didn't get invited and tried to act like it was no big deal. Dustin dragged me out of my room, went to the store with me to buy nail polish, leave in conditioner, and goodies then watched a chick flick while I 'prepared'. What can I say...he was a cool guy. So like it or not I just have to say,


Even today, he calls to make sure I'm doing okay and lets me ramble on and on so I get it all out of my system before Ben comes home. My kids call him Uncle Bob and know his ringtone. He knows me well enough to buy me 'Sense and Sensibility and Sea Monsters' for my birthday. If anyone asked me who I would want to spend my day with, he would be a top choice. So.....



Anna said...

Happy Birthday, Dustin!

Even though you say I talk too much... :)

Syden said...

I never said that you talked to much I said that you have a unique ability to turn a 30 second conversation into a 2 hour production complete with special effects and guest appearances by your many other personalities. :)

Geoffrey said...

Happy Birthday Dustin!!! I agree that you are REALLY AWESOME! -Andrea

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