Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Grateful for the Red, White, and Blue

Today my girls are in the kitchen stuffing a bucketful of cut cucumbers into Mason jars after which we will pour in the brine and refrigerate for a few days. They picked the cucumbers from a friend's garden yesterday with their cousins who came to visit after a trip to California. Before the cousins got to our house they witnessed an accident on the highway. Their Dad immediately pulled over to help and administed CPR to a little girl until she was taken away in an ambulance. They don't think she made it. We explained to the girls last night a little more of the details about what happened and what will happen to this girl.
Tonight my girls go to swim class and then we head up to Lubbock to stay the night with my family that lives there. We are planning on a delicious grilling American style meal, setting off bottle rockets, fireworks, a festival, and watching Captain America. The girls are painting their nails red,white, and blue and we bought ribbons to braid into their hair.
As the pickles are starting to get done the girls are starting the cupcake batter. We have patriotic music playing on Pandora in the background. I get on the internet for a moment to check the status of friends on facebook and see a second cousin (I think that's what he is....mostly I just think of him as family). There is a picture of him and his beautiful kids, home a moment before another deployment over seas and I am so amazed at his wife's strength and their obvious incredible marriage in the face of uncertainty.
Then I stop for a moment and think of my life.
I am so grateful.
  • For incredible neighbors, a safe neighborhood, good friends.
  • A house bursting with life, laughter, and memories - even in the short time we have lived here.
  • A husband who has a job, who works hard everyday and is able to provide not only for the necessary things but the luxuries as well.
  • For staying home and raising my kids the way we want to.
  • For health
  • For the ability to connect uncensored to friends and family
  • For the memories I have of growing up. Canning food, playing music, reading books out loud, watching movies, loving every minute spent as a family. Today feels like home.
  • For the memories I have of Ben's family. Parades with super soakers, picking the perfect spot for fireworks, summer grilling
  • For the examples in my life. For in laws who would stop with 7 kids in the car to help someone in need. For aunts and uncles who loves to make my kids smile on a holiday or anytime. For long talks with my mom and brothers, for grandparents who stay in touch with my kids and have the patience to skype for long periods of time when they can't be there in person.
  • For the gospel of Jesus Christ. For the ability to explain the tragic and give hope.
I truly could go on and on. Today though I am mostly grateful for this amazing country. Despite the flaws and controversies I believe that this country is filled with hard working, honest, amazing people who look out for each other. I am grateful for those who had the foresight to see what we could become and those who fight to keep us what we are. Tomorrow I will be proud to raise our flag.

Happy 4th of July Everyone!!

1 comment:

Tonia said...

I am also grateful for your hard working Husband too! Wait that sounds bad :)