Thursday, September 1, 2011

Showing a House

This morning I babysat the nieghbor kids and had two air conditioning guys here for over an hour. Then the phone rang with a realtor telling me that they wanted to show my home in one hour. When I left (with my five kids and one dog) this is what it looked like.....
I realized after I took the picture that the camera lens was dirty - trust me though, this kitchen is clean.

See the plate of cookies, and the flier with 'things to do in katy'? What you can't smell is the lemon pound cake candle.

Thirty minutes before leaving this was covered in castle toys, cups, and dress up clothes.

I wanted to take a picture of every room in the house but the battery on the camera died. When we left it was all clean though. Even the drawers. If moving gives me a few grey hairs at least it will instill some really good habits.


Melissa said...

The house looks great! Good is no fun selling a house. I hope it goes quickly.

M and W said...

It looks amazing!! You guys did a great job!

Corrine said...

good luck with everything, it looks great, I remember selling the house and thinking if I could just keep this cleaning up...but some how the pressure of not having someone might show up, wore off the desire to really clean a ton at night...